Utica Industrial Accidents Attorney
If you or a loved one has been injured due to an industrial accident, construction accident or other job-related catastrophe, you have legal options to collect workers’ compensation and to possibly seek other damages from at-fault third parties. Machinery injuries can be devastating, causing significant medical bills and loss of work. You need someone on your side.
For over 40 years, Hobika Law Firm has advocated on behalf of individuals injured in workplace accidents. This tradition of excellence in client service handling workers’ compensation and seeking compensation for injuries suffered on the job has been recognized throughout the state of New York.
To schedule a free consultation to discuss your rights and how a Utica industrial accidents lawyer can help, please contact our law firm today at 315-327-2849 or toll free at 800-587-9559. We are ready to help.
It’s important for an injured employee to understand that any one of three options for compensation might be available in a given accident case. In many situations, you’ll be able to collect under two or even all three of them following an industrial injury.
Workers’ Compensation
No matter who was responsible for your injuries, or if your accident was nobody’s fault at all, you should be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits for any injury suffered at work or in the performance of work-related duties. You don’t need to prove negligence or fault, but your financial recovery will normally be limited to lost wages and medical expenses.
Personal injury
If you can prove that your injuries resulted from the negligence of someone other than your employer or a co-worker, you may be able to collect personal injury damages in a civil lawsuit. Personal injury damages cover a much wider range of losses than workers’ comp does, and a reasonable settlement of negligence claims will often be worth more than the total of your workers’ compensation payments.
Social Security Disability Insurance
SSDI is a federal benefits program that provides a safety net for people who can prove a disability that prevents them from working for at least one year. The disabling condition doesn’t need to be work-related or suffered in an accident.
Our attorneys have extensive experience in all three areas and will ensure that you are awarded all that you are entitled to receive. We have handled a substantial amount of cases in a broad range of areas, including repetitive stress, occupational illness, traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, falls on the job and wrongful death. We are prepared to protect you.
Our lawyers will analyze the claim, as well as the circumstances involved, giving you a clear and reasonable idea of what you can expect and what we should pursue. Should additional claims be available, we can provide the representation you need.