An Aggressive Defense Against Reckless Driving Charges
In today’s climate, charges of reckless driving are taken very seriously, and prosecutors have no problem making an example out of defendants. If you are facing reckless driving charges, you need an attorney on your side who is committed to fighting for your rights, minimizing the damage and allowing you to move forward.
At Hobika Law Firm, we zealously pursue acquittals in these matters and, where appropriate, are skilled at negotiating outcomes that lessen the impact these charges have on our clients. As you look to protect your rights, your reputation and your driving privileges, call 315-327-2849 or toll free 800-587-9559 to schedule a free initial consultation.
What Exactly Are You Accused Of?
The specifics of the accusations against you will have an impact on choosing a defense strategy. Were you given a ticket because you were speeding excessively? Were you arrested because you were accused of distracted driving while using your phone? Were you speeding in a school zone?
We Can Help You Minimize The Damage
No matter why you were pulled over or arrested, you can count on us to strongly defend your rights and protect your driving record. This is crucial, because the accumulation of points on your driver’s license can result in a license suspension and the collateral consequences that come with it.
Whether you face jail time, a license suspension, fines or all of the above, you can turn to the lawyers at our Utica, New York, firm to make the best of your situation. Contact us today for your free consultation.