Disagreements often form the backbone of many New York divorces. When the parties to a legal relationship cannot work out their differences and cannot foresee a future where they will be able to live together, they may decide to end their marriage through the courts....
When two people want the same thing they may look for a fair way to resolve their disagreement over which of them should possess the coveted item. In New York, courts take the same general approach when they attempt to divide up the property that two married people...
New York has established a set of guidelines that courts use in order to decide how much child support kids should receive when their parents separate or go through a divorce. However, as with all legal matters, it is impossible to fit all support cases into the...
Couples who have spent decades married might think that they are going to remain married until they pass away. While this is sometimes true, there is always the possibility that the spouses will drift apart and end up going through a divorce. This is a challenging...
There has been a major shift in the make-up of household earnings over the last few generations. While men primarily used to dominate the role of earning the income on which their families lived, today in most families women actively share in the important task of...
Once the decision to get divorced is made, most people want the actual process to be over quickly. Unfortunately, that’s not how the system works. The process takes time, and the divorcing couple has a number of restrictions placed on them.New York is one of the...
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are two of the biggest stars in Hollywood, but their celebrity status has done nothing to protect them from an all too common issue that plagues many New York divorced couples: balancing their children's time between their households....
New York residents love their family pets. Many consider the pet an essential part of the family. But, when it comes to a divorce, the family pet is considered property and this ends up being a big bone of contention in many separations.Houses can be sold, property...
Parenting provisions are specific snippets of language that you put in a child custody or parenting plan to ensure that you and your ex are on the same page when it comes to rearing your child. These provisions lay the foundation of your future co-parenting...
When parents are divorcing in New York and are unable to make a decision regarding child custody, the decision is often left up to the judge in the case. During child custody proceedings, both parents have an opportunity to present their arguments in favor of and...