With most schools in New York out or almost out, divorced parents may suddenly find themselves away from their children for extended periods of time, depending on their child custody arrangement. Many parents split summer break, while others alternate physical custody...
The division of one house into two in a divorce means that income, assets and debts will be divided in a certain manner between the divorcing couple. Usually, one spouse, the one who was earning more money during the marriage, financially supports the other spouse for...
Deciding to pursue a divorce is often a difficult decision for New York residents. Most people have a plan and it gives them comfort-they know what they want to achieve and how to go about achieving it. The decision to divorce often throws a curveball into the...
New Yorkers like to think that they are very progressive in both thought and action, which is probably why it may come as a surprise to them that a recent study found that a woman's promotion at her job may increase the chances of her getting a divorce.Swedish...
If you've been involved in a lengthy or costly divorce, there's no question that you may still need time to recover from it financially. Being on the end of the divorce where you lose your home, your assets or income, is devastating.There's also the reality that those...
Family is often the most important thing in life and many people end up staying in difficult marriages for the sake of their children. However, with the help of experienced professionals, like those at the Hobika Law Firm, people can take steps to protect what is...
One of the reasons a non-custodial parent may not be able to make child support payments is because their income level has decreased substantially. Rather than avoid their obligations, it is possible to apply for a child support modification with the court to ensure...
After a divorce is finalized, depending on the order, child support obligations can end up continuing for a number of years. During this time, the parents making the payments may find that their financial circumstances change, and rather than address the issue in...
Extensive studies into social science have demonstrated that children benefit from having two involved parents, including the father. Children whose fathers have higher self-esteem, better academic records and perform better on a range of emotional, physical and...
You loved your spouse when you got married, and you still have a healthy amount of respect for him or her. You both wanted the same things when you were married at a young age, and now, coming up on your 30th birthday, you've realized that you no longer have anything...