Many alimony awards take on the common form of one person paying to their former spouse monthly payments of money. These payments can go on indefinitely or they may end after a certain amount of time or the achievement of self-sufficiency for the recipient party....
Seeking modification to an alimony award
New York courts have the power to grant individuals alimony pursuant to their divorces. If, for example, one party would be unable to support themselves due to a lack of income following the finalization of their divorce, then the court may require their ex to provide...
The end of an alimony award
Not all alimony awards are intended to last forever. Although some individuals may be legally entitled to lifelong alimony due to illness or the inability to work, others may only be awarded alimony long enough to get them back on their feet following their divorces....
You may be entitled to alimony during your divorce
There has been a major shift in the make-up of household earnings over the last few generations. While men primarily used to dominate the role of earning the income on which their families lived, today in most families women actively share in the important task of...
Why is standard of living important in a divorce?
The division of one house into two in a divorce means that income, assets and debts will be divided in a certain manner between the divorcing couple. Usually, one spouse, the one who was earning more money during the marriage, financially supports the other spouse for...
Should I complete my divorce on my own?
When a divorcing couple in New York is ending their marriage on good terms, they are often under the misconception that they can finalize all the legal aspects of their divorce on their own. However, since most people are not familiar with the law surrounding marriage...
What is the standard of living maintained after a divorce?
When a couple is married in New York, that usually means that they are living in the same residence, making mortgage or rent payments on that place, and splitting income and expenditures in some fashion or the other. Yet, the funds that are used to pay these expenses...
How will the proposed tax reform bill affect my alimony award?
New York residents making alimony payments right now may not be aware that the government is effectively subsidizing their payments. For example, if they are paying $10,000 a month and in the 50 percent tax bracket with the receiving spouse in the 30 percent tax...
Do fewer men get spousal support?
New York is perhaps one of the more progressive states in the nation, which is why it probably won't surprise them to hear that female breadwinners manned 40 percent of households in2014. However, it may come as that in the same year, of the 4,00,000 people receiving...
Under what conditions can alimony be modified?
When a couple divorces in New York, regardless of whether they have children or not, one of the most contentious issues in the divorce revolves around finances and support. If a couple has a prenuptial agreement or has come to an agreement about it post divorce, that...