According to some experts, couples are at their most optimistic and affectionate with one another right after they get engaged. It seems natural -- an engagement signals the beginning of something new, a journey a New York couple is undertaking together. It might seem...
What is an uncontested divorce?
Not every divorce has to be acrimonious. It is possible that a couple amicably agrees to end their association with one another and as a result, there are no disagreements as to major divorce issues, such as child custody and alimony. New York residents may have heard...
You don’t have to go through your divorce alone
When individuals get married and begin investing emotionally and financially in their future with their spouse, they typically expect that their marriage will last forever. However, it is an unfortunate reality of life that circumstances change and people grow apart,...
Can social media be used as evidence in divorce cases?
Taking a picture or posting a status update on a social media website could be one of the worst decisions a divorcing couple could make and one which has the potential to completely change the outcome of the divorce. Many New York residents do not realize that...
Are low-income couples more likely to divorce?
We all have heard the adage "money can't buy happiness," but can it keep a marriage together? A study released late last year seems to indicate that it does.New York residents may not be surprised to hear that the study found that money played a big role in whether a...
Can I take steps to smooth out my divorce in the New Year?
The holiday season can bring about a tumultuous fluctuation of emotions, with many people viewing the holidays as the final straw that breaks a marriage. In fact, this could be why many consider January 1 "Divorce Day" due to the increase in queries about divorce as...
Grounds for divorce in New York
Most people know that there are certain family law issues that must be resolved before a divorce judgment can be granted, such as child custody, alimony, and property division, just to name a few. However, many may not be aware that there are certain legalities that...
Communicating to ensure kids smooth return back to school
The end of a marriage requires many adjustments and concerns to address. For parents who have gone through a divorce over the summer, ensuring their child is dealing well emotionally is perhaps the biggest concern. This may be why the beginning of the new school year...
What laws govern prenups in New York?
Gone are the days where couples shied away from discussing their financial matters before they got married-given today's financial climate, college debts and self-entrepreneurship, people are more and more interested in separating their finances from their spouse's....
Legal assistance is vital when getting a divorce in New York
When a marriage is failing in New York, the couple will have emotional issues that they must get through. The realization that the union is no longer working and that a divorce might be the best option for all parties comes with certain other factors that must be...