Establish and modify a child support order

On Behalf of | May 3, 2018 | Child Support

Family is often the most important thing in life and many people end up staying in difficult marriages for the sake of their children. However, with the help of experienced professionals, like those at the Hobika Law Firm, people can take steps to protect what is important to them and ensure their interests are safeguarded during a divorce.

Family is often on the line in such circumstances-even though parents are ending their legal relationship with one another, they still want to continue to develop their relationship with their children. With the future at stake-children, finances, and property-it is important to have not only someone trustworthy by your side, but also someone knowledgeable.

Lawyers at our law firm combine both their experience and their knowledge for their clients’ benefit and work dedicatedly to attempt to get them the results they are looking for. The formula to calculate child support seems straightforward, but it is anything but. The need for child support must often be proven and a number of factors can influence a judge’s decision. We understand that child support plays a huge role in ensuring children get the upbringing they deserve and we give both establishing and modifying a child support our highest priority in a divorce.

Some people even end up hiding assets to avoid their obligations and we know how to ensure accurate financial information is being shared at all times. If incorrect information is being provided, then children are deprived of the resources they deserve to make ends meet on a daily basis. For more on how we can help with child support, visit our page.
