Workplace accidents can happen in virtually any environment. Even an employee working in an office can suffer an injury from an accident. However, there’s no doubt that construction workers suffer job-related hazards on an everyday basis. When New York construction workers are seriously injured while on the job, what legal rights do they have and what are the next steps to ensure they receive as much compensation as possible?
Workers’ compensation benefits are often available in the event of a workplace accident and, in many cases, this is the only form of compensation. Things are different in the construction industry, however. There are often multiple parties who could be responsible for an injury-causing accident, ranging from co-workers and employers to vendors and general contractors.
There are various types of construction accidents including falls, equipment failure, electrocution and general negligence from other workers. No two incidents are alike so, in each of these cases, proper documentation and evidence is important. This includes documenting your damages, including injuries and financial losses.
A serious construction accident can leave a victim disabled for years or longer. During this time, the person is unable to work and earn an income to support himself or herself. Social Security Disability benefits will be available to help victims during these tough times. However, getting approved for them is complicated and may require the assistance of a legal professional familiar with the process.
If you suffered serious construction injuries during the course of employment, you owe it to yourself to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve to cover your financial losses. A knowledgeable workers’ compensation lawyer understands the complexities involved and can help you every step of the way.
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